Saturday, April 10, 2010

Some Fradulent Coupons

The Coupon Information Corporation (CIC) sent an announcement about several fraudulent printable coupons that are currently making their rounds.
Some of these include:
(designed to look like printable SmartSource coupons.)

  • Stouffer's $6.50 printable coupon
  • Haagen-Dazs $2.75 printable coupon 
  • Lean Cuisine $2.85 printable coupon  

There are also five fraudulent printable "FREE" coupons circulating via email right now:

  • Dannon
  • Duracell
  • Folgers
  • Freschetta Pizza
  • Pepsi

Please note that the CIC has stated that to its knowledge, there are NO printable coupons for outright FREE items available. When you find campaigns coupons for FREE items, they are often mailed to you.  
If you come  across a coupon that appears just too good to be true? I recommend you: contact the manufacturer, and/or contact the CIC.
Lets do our part to end coupon fraud so we can continue to enjoy legitimate printable coupons!

~*~Thanks The Coupon Project for the heads up! ~*~

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