Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Big Boy!

April 12, 2006 was the day my life changed forever. I went from Jessica to Mom. No one can possibly know what that event does to you till you live through it. My whole life became about this little baby, weighing only 8 pounds 6.7 ounces. The first year flew by in a flurry of diapers, Lanisoh cream, Mom expecting me to follow her every tip. Oh how my life changed. 

 Then came birthday one. Still so innocent and sweet. Happy Feet Party to celebrate. This was a big milestone for both of us. He was a year and I had been a mom for a year. My son was alive and I had hair.... I call it a success!

Year two was a family BBQ. He was still so sweet and loving. Spongebob was his favorite thing so yep, that was his party theme. Year two also seen the birth of his first haircut. I miss that hair sometimes.
Year three was a big one for us. We actually went to Chuck E Cheese. This was our first out of the house party and boy did we have a blast. Year three also seen a new addition to our family. In July a big brother was born and so was the little brother, Caleb. Aaron is turning into such a big boy and loves being outdoors. He loves his brother and is very protective!

Today my baby is four. He is not a baby anymore but instead a growing boy. He is finishing his first year of headstart and this time next year we will be touring Elementary School to get ready for Kindergarten. I am scared as I sit and look back over the last four years. Most has flown bye in a flurry of day to day things. My baby has been replaced by a smarty pants'd four year old. I often don't know who this new little man is but what I do know is he still cuddles when he is sick or scared. He still kisses me in front of his friends at school, and he still looks at me like I am his world. The scary part for me is knowing just like these four years flew by the next four will too. What will my Aaron be like in four years? For now I will take the smarty pants little boy who still shows his mommy affection. Oh and by the way it was Spiderman this year... lol!!

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