Monday, May 10, 2010

Wonderful Mother's Day

This weekend was the best weekend in a long time. My kids are my pride and joy, my husband is my everything, and I will admit I had been feeling under loved and under appreciated! My husband lives two hours away from me and only gets to come home if he has 2 days off in a row. That does not happen very often as he works in a machine shop that is under staffed and over worked. He works 12 hour shifts usually 6 days a week. We just can't afford to move until our truck is paid off next year so for now this is how our lives are. I am essentially a single mom who deals with the day to day life of two boys and there are times we go a month without seeing my husband. When we do see him everything is a jumbled rush of trying to fit our lives in 24 hours. (Please don't take me wrong I am thankful he has a job yet this is just as hard as when he did not)

So I decided I would surprise my husband. Aaron went to my mom's friday after school and I thought I would take Hubby camping. I would get everything ready and surprise him.... Thursday he called and had to work Friday. I cried forever but then decided this was to important to not do. So I decided we would go Saturday. Around noon I was waiting on Ken to get home; I had already gotten Caleb to my Mother-in-Law and there was a knock at the door. UPS is standing there with a box from Pro Flowers! In almost 3 years my hubby has brought me flowers about 5 times but never sent them. His card even said 'This is PROOF I can send Flowers!'

So Ken gets home and we pack everything up and head down to our camp spot; about an hr away from home. He was so shocked that I put this together. The way down is always rough but it was really rough this time. The storms we got here in TN have made it almost impossible to get to out camping destination. We did get there but here is what we went through:

We had so much fun just the two of us. We really needed the alone time and we grew from it. We needed to remember why we are together and why we have two little boys. We talked about our life and how things are heading. I can honestly say we are closer this weekend then we have been in forever. So whats your favorite thing to do just the two of you? How do you reconnect when your drawing away because of life's demands?
I will share my actual Mother's Day with you all tomorrow.... yep it's not over! I told you it was a wonderful Mother's Day this year!

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