Monday, May 10, 2010

Mamavation Monday: Week Seven

Okay this is week five of the 'Move it and Lose it' Mamavation Challenge; I have to add new measurements today but more on that later. This week was better for me! I feel energized again and like I have my focus back! We walked 2 miles each day this week at the park and I actually worked out every night. I did not do the EA Active this week and have not for about 2 weeks.... I have to start again! I have been back to eating better and adding my water back up. I will have a great review later this week for a product that will help you get your water totals up! I hope you will come back and read it! I would also love to try the AquaHydrate, AquaHydrate, the first high-performance sports water, has a unique combination of ionic minerals and an alkaline pH in an ultra-pure water. When elite athletes drink AquaHydrate on a regular basis, they notice significant improvements in their focus, sports performance and ability to recover after intense workouts and competition. I have been falling back on soda this past week (shame on me I know). I need to add some new healthier options into my drinking.

I told you last week I was going to go back to my original inspiration. Since The 'Move It and Lose It' challenge is offering $500 and a pair of Earthwear Footwear to the one mom who loses the most body weight percentage I am going back to asking myself.... 'Is this worth $500 and awesome shoes?'. So how did I do.......

Here are my measurements as of 4/12:
Bust: 51.5
Waist: 51.0
Hips: 48.75
Thighs: R- 24.0 L- 24.5
Arms: R- 14.25 L- 14.5
Here are my measurements as of 5/9:
Bust: 51.25 (-.25)
Waist: 48 (-3)
Hips: 47.75 (-1)
Thighs: R- 24.0 L- 24.5 (-0)
Arms: R- 13.5 (-.75) L- 14.5 (-0)
Can I just say last night was hilarious! I had Hubby and my Mother-In-law measuring me and I made them do it 3x because I just could not believe what I was seeing! I have last 5 inches in just under 30 days! How is that possible!!! I cried when they measured my waist. I mean my pants literally have been falling off (you should see my climb the stairs or walk through the store) yet I honestly did not think I was changing. Ken puts his arms around me and he says I am losing alot.... my husband says that alot but I have not believed him. But numbers don't lie.... do they? 

Current Stats: 

  • Weight: 210 (-12 total -3 this week)
  • Height:  5'8
  • BMI:    32.0 (- 1.8)

Current Goals:

  • Drink 80 ounces of water a day
  • Work out on the Wii Fit for 60 minutes daily
  • Don't eat after 7 pm
  • No soda drinking
  • Weigh 150 pounds
  • No soda drinking
  • Work out 90 min daily 
  • BMI 22.8

Want to know more about being apart of Mamavation? Head over here and read all about it. Just us tonight and you could win some great prizes!
I'll be posting all about my Mother's Day weekend some good some bad...... here is a sneak peek. Shhhhh don't tell Leah! Oh wait I mean Leah it was for hubby..... Okay Okay I'll work harder lol!

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