Saturday, May 1, 2010

We are joining: Couponing for Community!

How is your stockpile looking these days?  Do you have an abundance of mac and cheese (hmm Meijers Deal)?  Or cereal, pasta, frozen foods?  I know I have more Shampoo and other health and beauty aids to last me till the end of time.  What about the Stayfree and Skintimate deals that have been going on this week at Walgreens. 

Well now I have a challenge for you!  A challenge that All About the Saving's will be participating in!  During the week of May 2-8, I am challenging you to look through your cupboards, freezers, stockpile bins (where ever they may be and fill a box, a bag (or two), your car trunk (okay you get the idea!).  Take whatever you fill and donate them to your local food pantry, women's or homeless shelter, church, a family/friend in need, the possibilities are endless.  If your stockpile is new and you don't have alot to give or if you just can't do alot for any reason then leave a bag of food on your porch (or postoffice) on May 8 for your letter carrier to pick up for Stamp Out Hunger.

It amazes me when I think about what we can do as a group this week! How many people's lives can we change and impact? I will admit thinking about this gives me goosebumps!

So I would love to take all the credit for this idea (why? Because it is just amazing!)... but I can't. Kaley, from ChaChing on a Shoestring, has brought put this together to see what kind of impact the couponing community can have on those that are in need!  Head over to the Couponing for Community on facebook to see what Kaley created and see what other blogs are participating!

Now I am asking, will you join me?  I pledge to push myself to post each day of donations I will be making. I will then post once more on the 8th of everything that will be donated. If you will do this with me, I would love to hear about it!  Scratch that I want to do more then hear about it... I want to see what you are doing!  Send me pictures and I promise each day I will include them in this post. You can email me or post on my facebook wall! Brag, you deserve all the bragging rights in this community project and you will get it right here!  Couponers all over the country are joining this effort to help those in need with coupons, you don't have to be a blogger to join in! Can I count you in?

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