Friday, July 9, 2010

Your Comments Mean the world to me!

I will admit I often feel like everything I blog, unless it is a giveaway, is important to know one except me. My Mamavation posts get the comments from the same sistas each week and although they mean the world to me I just did not feel like I was reaching people.

Over this week with the voting of the Mamavation Finalists I have been shown just how WRONG I was. I will admit I usually hate being wrong but this time I will accept it graciously! I have received so many comments and emails of people telling me what my posts mean to them and how inspirational I am to people.

I will admit I am one of those people that does not see myself as much to anyone but my family. I know that to my kids and husband I am the world. I also know that to my mother-in-law I am the daughter she never gave birth to. To my sister and niece I am a rock in their troubled waters and to my mom I am a loving daughter who does all I can for her. That though is where my life outside of me ends. I mean how can me a mom of two boys that dropped out 2 months before graduation be anything other than me to anyone. I married early and divorced soon after. I gained twice my body weight during that marriage and when it was over my self esteem was in the royal throne. I did come to realize I mattered and my self esteem came roaring back yet I still did not feel I could be an inspiration.

I mean I am a stay at home mom of two boys. I do not work and I pinch pennies every way I can to allow us to have the things we need and some of what we want. I try to be the best mom and wife and everything to everyone that I can be. I know I am a GREAT friend and person but I still get hung up on the inspiration part. I mean this is NOT a self esteem issue. This is that I am just me. I tell what is going on in my life and what I am doing to make positive changes. I guess if I am an inspiration to you I will graciously accept it and continue to try to always reach that for my readers and friends. Please understand that so many of you are MY inspiration that it is hard for me to accept I could possibly be yours!

This is one comment I received on a forum I belong to and it touched my heart so much I wanted to share it. I am honest when I say this lady brought tears to my eyes.
Hi, I just wanted to send you a thank you. I have been following your blog for a while, and at first I was just skimming over your articles about your quest to get fit, but in the last month or so, they have really gotten me motivated. It is nice to see something from someone who is normal, not someone who has never struggled with weight, body image, or indulgences. It might seem silly, but I just wanted to say thank you and good luck on your adventure!

Thank you again to all my readers and friends (in real life and in online life)! If I am an inspiration to you and you think I could benefit from (and forward the knowledge to you) please vote for me to be the next Mamavation Mom. Go to the Mamavation Website and vote for all_about_savin. Also you can head over to this post and enter to win the Wii, IPod Nano 16GB, or Amazon Kindle.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you, each and everyone of you!!!


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