Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mamavation Monday Week One as a Mom (17)

(posted on on Wed) So today was my second day as a Mamavation Mom. It is very interesting that in two short days my thinking is already changing. First off I think about everything in terms of how can this raise my heart rate or make this activity into a work out. I loved meeting with Leah yesterday and hearing about this journey I have begun. We were sent workouts for the EA Active and EA Active More Workouts so last night I sat down and set up my workout.

I got to talk with Dr. Renna today and I have to say I feel so charged after our conversation. I am allowed 4 grains per day which need to primarily be whole grains. I am allowed 8 ounces of protein a day; this is going to be the hard one for me. I love meat and so I already told Ken we are buying a food scale because I can not eyeball the whole palm of your hand thing. I am allowed 3 non fat milk servings per day which will be mostly taken as yogurt and cottage cheese (I can not stand milk by itself). Here is the part I LOVE I am allowed 2 servings of fruit (or about 3 cups a day)! I need to eat VERY sparingly pears, plums, peaches, cherries, grapes, and apples because she said they are high in fructose. (Alas avoid high in fructose/glucose foods) I am also to eat 3 servings of vegetables (around 3-4 cups). I learned this which I thought was interesting (you may already know this) corn can not be counted as your vegetable since it is a grain..... which means I can have little to no corn! I am super excited to go grocery shopping tomorrow! 

I told you I set up my EA Active workouts last night. Well I did the 39 minute lower body workout on the More Workouts today... Okay I think Leah is trying to put me in a grave lol. I mean this was so hard but I could tell it will work all the muscles. I would never have put this together for myself. I love it; I mean I did not love it as I am panting and sweating all over my living room. Honestly I thought I might die.... I know the accomplishment I will feel when I can do it *fairly* easily.

I can honestly say I pushed myself harder today than I can remember doing in a while now. I look forward to the Upper Body workout tomorrow on the EA Active and also beginning to implement Dr. Renna's plan. What's for breakfast? 1 cup Special K with 1 cup non fat milk. 1/2 cup berries, and 1 cup of coffee with Almond Milk. YUMMY!!!

Let me know if you would like me to share with you my eating plan or the workouts I am doing! Thank you for your tweets and your constant encouragement. You can keep up with me daily on Bookie Boo Forum to see my steps, what I ate, my water intake,  my exercises, and overall my life changing daily.

I want to thank @SmoothFitness @EASActiveGirl (follow my talk about my workouts via #easactive) @EarthFootwear @ChefsRequested
None of this would be nearly as rewarding without companies such as this. Please give them some love they deserve it!

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