Monday, June 21, 2010

Mamavation Week Thirteen

Watch Lives Change

Wow I have been involved with Mamavation for thirteen weeks! The past two weeks I have made excuses, not worked out very much, ate poorly at times, and overall let myself down. This morning was a new day and when I woke up and read over my posts since joining Mamavation I was inspired! Yes inspired by myself and I don't mean that to sound conseated.  I mean in thirteen weeks I have made some serious changes:

1~ We hardly ever eat out and if I do I choose the 'healthier' options.
2~ I have cut out ALL soda which has been my life line as long as I can remember.
3~ My 4 year old does not drink soda and he now eats what I cook not processed convenience meals.
4~ My husband has lost weight (almost 8 pounds) and I have lost an incredible 20 pounds (and that includes my little gain earlier)
5~ I now walk 10,000 at least 5 days a week and just today ran 1/4 mile (most I have ever done)
6~ I am making better choices in my food selections and have not bought cookies or candy in 13 weeks!

So now enough excuses! I am back and ready to keep building on this list of changes in my life! I did not lose anything this week (again) but I am so happy I did not gain! I vow this I WILL lose next week and you WILL see a picture of my with my toes on the scale! Oh and I have decided to keep a daily tracker on the right hand side of the homepage. I want to walk the equivalent of  walking coast to coast on America. That is 4184000 steps! I will update this daily and see how long it takes me to reach it! Here is the kickoff ticker that I sit at RIGHT now:

Want to know more about Mamavation? Head on over here and read more about it plus join us tonight for Mamavation tv! While your at it check out subway; they are this weeks sponsor for Mamavation. I love the new Orchard Chicken Salad and the Oven Roasted Chicken Breast. I pile mine high with veggies, no cheese, and a little honey mustard..... YUMMMYYY! I paired this one with the new Tuscan Garlic baked Lays and I had dinner for less than $4 and less than 500 calories!

So here are the  Campaign Details for Mamavation # 5
Applications Accepted June 21st to 30th ~ 5 Finalist appear on July 5th
Voting for the top 2 Mamavation Moms will go from July 5th to 12th
The winners will be announced during the Twitter Launch Party July 12th from 5-7pm PST/8-10pm EST
Mamavation Campaign #5 goes from July 12th to August 27th
Here is my application. Please forgive how I look. I am walking my 4 mile morning walk and taking the video on my IPod Nano my husband bought me for Mother's Day.

This is where I need your help see I need all the support I can get if I want a chance at being the next Mamavation mom, If you have a Twitter account please tweet this out several times:

Hey @bookieboo! I want @all_about_savin to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!

You can tweet your support as many times as you want. You can do it every day, every hour, or just once. This is how Leah (who is @bookieboo) see's that I have support and help in this journey!  This is how she knows that I am serious about this! Will you support me and help me achieve my goals? Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me throughout this journey and good luck to all applying!


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