Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Review Tuesday 3/16

I know I have been slacking on doing Random Review Tuesday's and I promise to try to get back into them. Today I will be posting two book reviews.Here is the first one:
A Century Turns By William J. Bennett

William J. Bennett writes about the things going on or influencing America from the time period of 1988 to 2010. He covers everything from the election of President Bush Sr to the inauguration of Current President Obama. This in my opinion is a must read for any High School Student or anyone wanting a further insight into our history. Most people rely on the news to bring us things about our own country; this books gives an inside look into aspects not covered in detail b y the news. Mr Bennett has an insider look at the George Bush Sr presidency and gives an uncanning tale of the last 20 plus years of American history.

There were times this book bored me yet all in all I can say I walked away learning more about or past. Not your site and relax reader but definitely worth reading.

I was provided a copy of this book for my review. The thoughts and opinion expressed are min and mine alone. For more information please see my disclosure policy.

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