Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Shed: Losing 100 pounds of ME

So once upon a time I belonged to Mamavation. I was happy, getting healthy, and making friends. Those days have passed and I am no longer a part of them, almost two years later I am now back up to my weight. I weighed 250 when I decided enough was enough and I have to lose weight again. So I am going to be starting my Monday Shed posts :)

In preparation I found this wonderful post on Freckleberry Finds about being able to do the Weight Watcher system for FREE! (Please remember to check with you dr before starting any weight loss program) If I go with the weight watcher program I am allowed 40 points a day. That being said I am not sure how well I could count points but it's always worth a try :)

I also am using pinterest to help keep me motivated. Follow me on my Losing 100 pounds of me board.
 Here are my current Stats:
Height: 5'8                                                                                                                              Weight:                                                                                                                               Motivation Level: 10


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