Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Shed: Losing 100 pounds of ME

So once upon a time I belonged to Mamavation. I was happy, getting healthy, and making friends. Those days have passed and I am no longer a part of them, almost two years later I am now back up to my weight. I weighed 250 when I decided enough was enough and I have to lose weight again. So I am going to be starting my Monday Shed posts :)

In preparation I found this wonderful post on Freckleberry Finds about being able to do the Weight Watcher system for FREE! (Please remember to check with you dr before starting any weight loss program) If I go with the weight watcher program I am allowed 40 points a day. That being said I am not sure how well I could count points but it's always worth a try :)

I also am using pinterest to help keep me motivated. Follow me on my Losing 100 pounds of me board.
 Here are my current Stats:
Height: 5'8                                                                                                                              Weight:                                                                                                                               Motivation Level: 10


Friday, August 24, 2012

Help me with my Scentsy Challenge?

So as far as I am concerned in making money for our family, Scentsy is how I do it, IT IS MY JOB. This month is10% off the catalog, excluding service, school, heartfelt, and any combine and saves over $40. Prices WILL be reflected in your shopping cart. This is the LAST week to get any scents from the Spring/Summer line as well as Heartfelt. Please if you can help I would appreciate it! If you decide to order anything just go to and click on the August Party link :)


Thursday, August 23, 2012


I have started journaling for my kids. I have always had the idea to write journals for them talking about their life as kids and things about me. These are their books, yet I am not sure when they will actually obtain them. As of right now I have only written a letter on the first page for them, explaining why I started the books. I WILL be sitting down tonight to journal though and make this a priority.

I bought the cutest journals. The best thing about them is that they are Eco friendly AND made in the USA! Check them out on amazon. The point behind me finally beginning them is our story is so important, its important to remind us and to tell. It does not matter where you are at in your life.

You don't have to journal for your kids. You could journal about your life for you, write a journal for you husband/wife, write about your climb through school or a job, the possibilities are endless.

We are our worst enemies. I know for me I never see anything good in myself. I am a stay at home mom of three kids, I sometimes blog, I go to college, but this is not where I seen my life when I was 17 years old. I am going to be 29 next week and I seen my life as having a college degree, owning (not renting) a house, a career, yes married, and maybe kids, but definitely not paycheck to paycheck. See since I dropped out of school 11 years ago, everything in my plans changed. What I need to remember, and be able to look back on is:
I graduated from an ACTUAL High School on my 10 year reunion.                                    I have three WONDERFUL children who are loved and adored                                          I am in my 4th semester of college and STILL have a 4.0                                                    I have four business' I LOVE!                                                                                                I am making a name for myself with Scentsy Family and even earned a PAID trip for hubby and I to the Dominican.
The thing is I could go on and on, but unless I am writing them down I will rarely remind myself of them. For now I am sticking to my three journals for my kids. In there I can share stories of them and myself. In time (when I have time) I may go on to write others, for my husband, myself, etc.

Do you journal? Do you have a special time, place, routine? Share with me your thoughts and how you include this important activity in our busy lives!

Thankful Thursday

Here are my ten things that I am thankful for today:
My Faith in Jesus
My Life
My kids
A husband who helps support my business and education
having a job that works around my life
my team members
Headstart starting on Monday
It's Almost Fall Y'all
11am Nap times
Living in America
What are you ten things your thankful for. Post here or if you have a blog, why not post it there and link back. Don't forget to let me know you did so I can go read your list!

Whats for Dinner Tonight?

Everyday people ask each other, "What's for dinner tonight?" It is so hard to pick out things to feed our family and we get in a rut trying to find decent things that don't break the bank. I think out of all the reasons I like pinterest, the recipes I find are the best reasons. So tonight I am making a recipe found on pinterest posted on The Post-It Place. She takes simple ingredients most of us have on hand.
Cube steak  
2 cans  cream of mushroom soup
1 envelope onion soup mix (I used one with mushrooms in it)
3/4  cup water
Salt and Pepper to taste
Best of all it cooks itself! Yes this is a GREAT crockpot dish. I am serving mine with mashed potatoes and green beans. I will update this post after dinner tonight BUT what are you waiting for. This dish uses ingredients that most familes have on hand already and it is is not to late to throw it on for dinner. Be sure to jump on over and say thanks to The Post-It Place for making dinner tonight easy!

~*~ UPDATE~*~ I would not make this again with cube steak. Maybe chicken..... but it had a weird almost Salisbury steak taste. My kids ate it but only after putting ketchup (the cure all) on their plates.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School Has Started.... Let me days get shorter Begin!

So school has started in mid Tennessee. Yes my first grader went back last week. I swear I am all for the year round school system. We cram their heads for nine months and then for three months we hope they don't forget it all and try to keep them entertained. The thing I love about those three months is, my days get longer. No, I have not developed a wickedly awesome machine to add hours to the day; but there is no homework, loose kept bedtimes, and no alarms blaring at 5am. Not to mention the many school functions and activities that come with elementary school. To make it worse hubby and I are also in college TOGETHER this fall semester. So can I please invent that machine now.....

Nope not happening yet..... so I am excited I was choosen for a new BzzAgent Campaign: Progresso Recipe Starters. I chose the Progresso™ Recipe Starters™ creamy portabella mushroom cooking sauce as my choice. I am so excited to get into this campaign. Something to help make dinners easier in this house is ALMOST as coveted as that elusive hour adding machine! All you need is 30 minutes or less for prep time and some standard household ingredients, add the Progresso™ Recipe Starters™ and you will feel like super mom.

They have many sauces to choose from:
    Creamy Parmesan Basil Sauce
    Creamy Three Cheese Sauce
    Creamy Roasted Garlic Sauce
    Creamy Portabella Mushroom Sauce
    Fire Roasted Tomato Sauce

So now run to your BzzAgent account and see if YOU have this wonderful campaign. Oh, your not a BzzAgent? Well head over to their site to join. It is 100% free to join and participate; just fill out surveys about yourself to be matched with campaigns, have a love for sharing and trying new products, and have an influence with what companies think! How cool is that! Let me know if you got into the campaign or if your joining now. Look for more information after I try the Progresso™ Recipe Starters™ creamy portabella mushroom cooking sauce. While you wait  "Like" Progresso on Facebook,for recipes, tips and commentary on soup and sauce solutions.

I an a BzzAgent and will samples and coupons. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.


Wordless Wednesday
