Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Mom Challenge

I came across a really great idea... yep you guessed it pinterest! A mom challenge, I know for me there is not a day that goes by that I think I failed as a mom and could have done more. Well thanks to Live Fabulous Life, I can do something (even if small) to fix that!

I have three small kids, ages 6, 3, and 16 months. I need a better relationship with them before they are 20, 19, and 17! So the rules of the challenge are simple (and taken straight from Five Fabulous Life):
Each week I've got a mini challenge for you - something fun I promise!  Do a few or do them all.  This is a project I'm really excited about!The challenges will start each Monday.  On Saturday's we will check in and see how the week went! 


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