Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Updates on me! Plus a giveaway!

Slowly but surely I am getting back into blogging. I mean how can I not with the holidays fast approaching! I wanted to give all of you some updates since I last posted anything about me.
  • My husband and I are doing a lot better. He is working during the week now so I don't get to see him as much. Our marriage is growing stronger and we have learned we need 'Our' time as much as we need family time.

  • We have made plans to move this spring (probably around April or May) so that we will be under one roof again. Because of this I am trying to stretch pennies even further now.
  • I have started school. I had posted before that I dropped out of high school two months before graduating. I would have graduated with honors and in the top 10% of my class. Well TEN years later, yes ten, I will finally be graduating high school! No this will not be a GED or a home high school program. They have an adult high school program in my area and I'm actually going to graduate in June!
  • I am now 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant! We find out next Tuesday, what we are having. I am hoping for a girl as this will be our last biological child. This got me thinking...... Keep reading for an exciting offer!

  • This blog started off as a savings blog and then turned into a giveaway blog. I will be shifting back to a savings/personal blog. That is not to say there will not be giveaways, because there will. (Look for an exciting one next week just in time to order Christmas Cards!) What I am saying is it will be more savings and personal then giveaways. This is to both keep true to me but also that that I have more time for my family and other obligations. Believe it or not, it is nice to get the items to review but to run a review and giveaway is a lot of work!

  • Now on to my idea!!! I am posting a giveaway on Facebook right now. This giveaway will run from now till Monday at midnight! It's going to be so simple with only one way to enter! Head on over there now and enter, you won't be disappointed!

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