Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mamavation Monday Week 20

This post is one week behind. I post on on Wednesday's then post the same post here on Sunday night! 

This week has been a very awkward week for me. Last Wednesday my husband wrecked my car and although thankfully no one was seriously injured I did not walk away 100%. I was released Monday though to begin adding back in my exercising, so Tuesday I worked out to EA Sports Active Upper Body. Wednesday (today) I was able to do Tracey Mallet Quick Blast Fat Burner. I actually just finished this one and am sitting here icing my shoulder.

See that is so important after you injure yourself and are trying to work back up to your previous exercise/fitness routines..... Ice muscles after stretching! I am required to ice after stretching is over from an exercise and then again before bed. So far my shoulder seems to be doing well; I mean I can tell it's still healing but overall I am not in horrible pain.

This past Thursday through Sunday I got to spend the weekend in New Orleans. I met some of the most amazing ladies and have a new sense of love for some of them. I will be honest Saturday night my mood changed. It was not because I was not enjoying myself or the ladies I was with. I had become exhausted and was not getting the amount of sleep my body needed. I also missed my boys more than I could ever imagine I would. Aaron, my four year old, often spends weeks away from me at my moms house but in the past year I have only been away from Caleb for one night. I had also never been sooo far away before! Sunday I changed my flight and left very early. I know I had several ladies worried something was wrong and I think I may have strained friendships.... I hope it's repairable.

I guess through of of this I have learned alot about me. See in my eyes this Mamavation campaign is not just about making me healthier/thinner on the outside but also on the inside!

  1. I am tough and can work my way through just about anything.
  2. I like my routine and work out schedule. I get crabby when its messed with, even for fun.
  3. I love my kids and need small amounts of time from them so I can not be so dependent on them.
Thank you to Earth Footwear, Smooth Fitness, EA Sports Active, and Chefs Requested for being such wonderful sponsors! This campaign is what it is because of you! Also thank you Pete Cohen, Dr. Renna, Leah, and all the Mamavation Sista's. Jess

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